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Plan Your Visit

We understand that stepping into a new and unfamiliar place can be a bit intimidating, especially when it comes to churches. To help put your mind at ease, here's some helpful information about what you can expect when you decide to visit Colonial Beach Baptist Church for the first time.


Our Sunday morning service begins at 10:15 AM. Before each service, we invite you to join us in the Fellowship Hall (across from the Sanctuary) for donuts, coffee, and fellowship, at 9:45 AM. We have a large parking lot located along the water behind the church.


Each service includes a "children's moment" soon after it starts. After this, children will be dismissed to the educational building for Children's Church.


At Colonial Beach Baptist Church, we hold a meaningful communion service on the first Sunday of each month. To ensure a safe and convenient experience for all, we distribute the communion elements in individual cups, including pre-packaged options. As part of this special observance, our pastor takes the time to teach the significance and proper way to take communion during this service, making it an inclusive experience for everyone who feels comfortable participating.

Tithes & Offerings

We appreciate the generosity of those who choose to support our ministry through tithes and offerings, given to the glory of God. Giving is entirely voluntary, and there is no obligation to contribute. Your presence and fellowship are valued above all else, and you are welcome to participate in any way that feels comfortable for you.

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